Saturday, 6 December 2014



Java is a programming language and computing platform first released by Sun Microsystems in 1995. There are lots of applications and websites that will not work unless you have Java installed, and more are created every day. Java is Object oriented, fast, secure, and reliable. From laptops to datacenters, game consoles to scientific supercomputers, cell phones to the Internet, Java is everywhere!

Core Java Syllabus 

·         Introduction To Java, Installation Of Software’s, Advantages & Scope of Java
·          Java Virtual Machine, Java Runtime Environment
·         Pointers Free Java, Garbage Collection, JVM Parts,
·         Class Loader, Byte Code Verifier, Syntax To write Your First Program.
·         OOPS Concepts Procedural V/s Object Oriented Languages,
·         Features-Class ,Object, Encapsulation, Abstraction, Inheritance, Polymorphism
·         Programmatic Explanation To OOPS Concepts, Access Specifiers, Access Modifiers
·         Packages, Import Statements, Constructor
·         Overloading (Method & Constructor)and Over Riding , “this & super” Keywords
·         Identifiers, Keywords, Datatypes in Java, Control Structures
·         Call by Value v/s Call By Reference, Getting The Input From The User-Command Line Arguments
·         Arrays in Java
·         Errors & Exceptions, How To handle Exception
·          User Defined Exception, Assertions
·         Abstract Classes & Interfaces
·         The Collections Framework, Set, List, Map, Generics, Enhanced For Loop, Iterators, Scanners
·         I/O Streams & Packages
·         Working with Files using I/O Package
·         File Read, File Write, File Copy
·         Sending mail with Java Program
·         Threads
·         Multi Threading with Synchronization
·         Data Base Introduction, Need For DB, Working with DB
·         Java Database Connectivity
·         Working With Result Set
·         AWT & Swings

·         Swings Extended with JDBC

Friday, 28 November 2014


PHP is a server scripting language, and is a powerful tool for making dynamic and interactive Web pages quickly. PHP is a widely-used, free, and efficient alternative to competitors such as Microsoft's ASP. It’s Open-source, Multiplatform. PHP is designed for web development but also used as a general-purpose programming language. PHP is now installed on more than 244 million websites and 2.1 million web servers. Originally created by “Rasmus Lerdorf in 1995, the reference implementation of PHP is now produced by The PHP Group.

·         Basics of Web design and Development
·         Basics of HTML
·         Tags and Elements
·         Text formatting tags
·         Links and Types of link
·         Images and Image mapping
·         Table and List
·         Frames
·         Forms
·         Types of CSS
·         Selectors
·         Properties on text, font, table, list, margin, padding, display, input, display, positions
·         pseudo code in css
·         Practice for design website with HTML and CSS
Ø  Javascript
·         Client side scripting and Javascript overview
·         Datatypes and Variable, Constant
·         Alert boxes
·         Control structure
·         Object and Methods on String, Number, Math, Array, Date
·         Built-in functions
·         Events and Types of events
·         Timing events and functions
·         Object hierarchical diagram and programs
·         Exception handling
·          Regular expression
·         Validation with regular expression with various ways.
·         Other functions

·         Client side scripting and Javascript overview
·         Server installation and configuration
·         Variable, Constant, Datatypes and inbuilt functions
·         Working with forms.
·         Functions: String, Array, Math, Date etc…
·         Mail function
·         Construct methods
·         File handling
·         Exception handling
·         Overview of DBMS and RDBMS
·         Overview of MySQL
·         Console mode : DDL, DML, DCL
·         Functions in MySQL
·         View, Trigger and Stored procedure
·         Join and types.
·         GUI mode
Ø  PHP continue…
·         Database connectivity
·         Developing small application based on HTML, CSS, JS, PHP and MySQL
·         Image upload and download
·         Session and Cookies
·         Paging and Search
·         Other built-in functions
·         ODBC connectivity
·         AJAX Overview
·         Simple AJAX program.
·         Populating data from Database using AJAX
Ø  CPanel
·         Cpanel – Overview
·         Email creations
·         Working with Cpanel based on files and DB

Wednesday, 26 November 2014



Active Server Pages (ASP), also known as Classic ASP, was introduced in 1998 as Microsoft's first server side scripting engine. ASP is a technology that enables scripts in web pages to be executed by an Internet server. ASP pages have the file extension .asp, and are normally written in VBScript.
ASP.NET is a new ASP generation. It is not compatible with Classic ASP, but ASP.NET may include Classic ASP.ASP.NET pages are compiled, which makes them faster than Classic ASP.ASP.NET has better language support, a large set of user controls, XML-based components, and integrated user authentication.ASP.NET pages have the extension .aspx, and are normally written in VB (Visual Basic) or C# (C sharp).
User controls in ASP.NET can be written in different languages, including C++ and Java.
Ø  Introduction to Dot Net
·         What is .net
·         Why .net
·         Drawback with Earlier Technologies
·         Advantages of .net

Ø  What is .net Architecture
·         Introduction to CLR
·         CLR Architecture
·         JIT compiler
·         MSIL
·         Understanding of IL with ILDASM

Ø  .Net Framework
·         Net framework
·         Version of framework
·         Common class library
·         Common type system
·         Common language specification
·         Languages under .net

Ø  Introduction to OOP’S
·         Concept of Class & Objects
·         Component inside class
·         Data Types
·         Type conversion
·         Working with constructor
·         Understanding of Inheritance
·         Need of Inheritance
·         Virtual and Abstract methods
·         Details of polymorphism
·         Method Overloading and overriding
·         Working With collection(Array list, Hash table, stack , queue, etc)

Ø  Understanding of INTERFACE & DELIGATE class
·         What is Interface and Delegate class
·         Implementation of Iclass and Delegate

Ø  File Handling
·         System.IO namespace
·         Stream Reader &Stream Writer Class
·         Reading and Writing with files

Ø  Exception Handling
·         Introduction
·         Try..catch… Statements
·         create custom exceptions
·         Throw an exception using throw statement

Ø  SQL Database
·         Concept of DBMS
·         Introduction of RDBMS
·         Difference between DBMS &RDBMS
·         Concept of creating DataBase & Table
·         Working on Data Table with SQL Query

Ø  Constraint
·         Introduction to Constraint
·         Types of constraints
·         Implementation of Constraints

Ø  SQL Joins
·         Concept of JOIN statements
·         INNER Joins
·         OUTER Joins
·         SELF Joins
·         CROSS Joins

Ø  Stored Procedure
·         Concept of Stored procedure
·         How to Create Stored procedure
·         How to implement Stored Procedure

Ø  Creating &using Trigger
·         Introduction to Trigger
·         Creation of trigger
·         Dropping of trigger

Ø  SQL Function
·         Introduction to Function

Ø  Complex SQL Quires
·         Example of Complex quires

Ø  Working with VISUAL STUDIO(Web Application)
·         Introduction to web programming
·         Client /server Technology over Internet
·         How internet and Intranet works
·         Client side script vs. Server side scripts
·         Understanding the Importance of Web server
·         creating and working with virtual directory in IIS
·         Introduction to Page life cycle

Ø Server Controls
·         Standard Controls
·         Navigation Control
·         Data controls
·         Hyperlink, Image, Menu
·         Validation Controls
·         Group Validation Control

Ø  State Management in
·         Introduction to State management services
·         Client side SMS
·         Server Side SMS
·         View, Hidden Field &Cookies
·         Session & Application
·         Type of session modes

Ø  Working with Master Page in
·         Concept of Master Page
·         Creation of master page
·         Implementation of Master page in Application

Ø  Data Binding & Reporting in ASP.Net
·         Data Binding with Data controls
·         Using Data binder Eval() method Crystal reporting

Ø  Caching
·         Introduction to Caching
·         Usages of Caching
·         Data Caching based on control or parameter
·         Setting cache duration

Ø  Uploading & Downloading Files
·         Upload files using upload Controls
·         Restricting the type and size of file
·         Download the file on click Event

Ø  Mailing with Asp.Net
·         Mail Message & SMTP Class
·         Providing Security while sending mails

Ø  Security in Application
·         Introduction
·         Security with session object using Form Authentication

Ø  Working with USER INTERFACE in
·         CSS
·         HTML Tags
·         Javascript
·         Jquery(Introduction only)